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Hi There!

I’m looking forward to meeting you on the Words & Pictures Podcast.


Here is a little page I have put together to tell you about the podcast and answer a few questions I am often asked.


Who is the Podcast for?

The Words & Pictures Podcast is for all writers of any genre and also for readers who like to learn about writers, what they do and how they do it. Most of my guests are authors although sometimes I have other creatives and professionals who are involved in the book business – such as editors, artists, illustrators, book cover designers and people involved in PR and marketing.


I’m going to be a guest on the show. Do I need to prepare anything?


No. I will do a spot of research about you and will have a list of questions ready. I like the podcast to have a natural chat style and I like to see where the conversation will take us. You can just turn up, but if you would like me to ask you something specific or focus on a particular aspect of your work, please email and let me know ahead of time. Or just ask in the interview.


Does it cost anything?

No. The podcast is free for guests and free for listeners.


Is the podcast live?

No. The podcast is recorded over a Zoom link so I can do some basic editing. That way we can have a relaxed chat and if we cough or you want to re-phrase something – just say and I can edit it out.


How long does it take?


40 minutes – that’s because I use the free Zoom!


Is it filmed?

Yes and no.

On the Zoom link, I prefer to keep the video on so we can see each other as I find this makes for a more natural conversation. But the podcast is published audio-only. After the interview, I will delete the video files.


Do I need any specialist equipment?

No. The microphone on your computer is fine, but if you have a microphone that is fine too.


What can I do to make the recording sound good?


The best thing you can do is to find a room that is quiet and does not have an echo. If possible put blankets over any hard surface and close the curtains – this dampens the sound and makes the recording more pleasant to listen to.


What if I’m nervous?

Don’t be. I’m really easy to talk to and remember I will edit it and I will take out all your errms and ahhs and any long pauses.


What happens after the interview?


After the interview, I will save the audio files from Zoom and put them into a virtual queue to be edited. When I have edited it, added in the intro and outro, written the show notes and loaded it onto Podbean the podcast host site, I will send you an email detailing when it will be live and give you some links.


How can I help?


Promoting your episode is a big help. Not just for you, but for all the guests. As new listeners join, they always listen to back issues. So it’s always worth supporting other guests when they pop up on social media.

When you get the email with the date of the live episode, you will get some useful links and a jpeg of the Words & Pictures Podcast logo. You can use this to tell your followers when you will be on the show / have been on the show.


On the date of your episode!

The podcast comes out every Monday and I will make a short TikTok video promoting the episode I will share this across other social media channels and tag you where possible. If you let me know your various handles, this makes things easier.

Also if you tag me in anything, I will of course share and interact to help things along.




All of us have different experiences of the writing life and knowledge that we can share. To this end, I have started a Facebook group so that we can have a Words and Pictures community where we can help each other along.  So do join and let's keep the conversation going!

Follow me on, and I will invite you to the group.

Also, I will add your name to my Words & Pictures Podcast list on Twitter.


One more thing…

Our creative lives are very fluid and you may wish to come back on the podcast to promote and share your next thing – please do. Just give me a shake and we’ll sort out a date. I’m here for you!

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